Missing Fifths update & Guitar Center Spin-Off News

Last year's Band Slam winners for Best Hip Hop, the Missing Fifths, wrote in last month with an update.

"Its been a long time, and alot has changed with the Missing Fifths. Jason just returned from 3 months in Africa, Erin graduated college (after 8 long years), and Abu is married, with a beautiful baby daughter. Needless to say we've been enjoying our hiatus. Though there's one thing we weren't able to acccomplish, and that's staying off this years Grand Band Slam ballot.

In other news, DJ Syruz has unanimously won the first round of Guitar Center's Spin-Off 2006, yesterday. The District Finals will take place at the Manchester, CT Guitar Center, on Tuesday June 20th, with the winners advancing to the Regionals in NYC."

However, Syruz lost last week's District Finals at the hands of DJ EmmAre, who is advancing to the Regional Finals in NYC on July 19th.

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