This may be the most twisted piece of news I've ever announced.

Ok. So you take these two bands. First we've got Welcome. They're like the wonderful people you see on the street every day and you wave to them and chat about small but somewhat meaningful things... AND THEN THEY GO HOME AND UNLEASH THE ROCK MONSTER WITHIN THROUGH A STRANGE MIX OF SYNTHESIZERS AND LIKE 10,000 BONE RATTLING DRUMS. But as soon as they get off stage they're normal again. And they kind of make you want to go, "um, wait a second... weren't you just..." But you know that if you did, you'd totally be the weird one.

And then you take the Smooth Hands. They're what happens when you give computer nerds musical instruments and go, "ok, I want you to talk about your sex life into this microphone." Except the microphone is secretly going to the Pentagon, who are recording everything because they think the Smooth Hands are terrorists. But the more they talk, the more the Pentagon realizes they're not terrorists -- but that they are total fucking lunatics. So they take the sound bites of the Smooth Hands' musical sexual confessions, and start e-mailing them to each other as inter-office jokes.

Ok. So you've got these two bands. What happens if they jam together? Obviously it's got to be the MOST FUCKING DEMENTED AWESOME THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED IN CONNECTICUT.

So, now you totally have to click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

^_^ <3 <3 <3